
Search the way you think the name is written (Soundex)

  1. ‏(Given name unknown)‏ Sofo
    1. Rocco Sofo    Marriage  Sarah ‏(Family name unknown)‏
    2. ...
    3. Antonio Sofo 1876-1961 (Age 85)    Marriage  Isabella Franco 1883-1918
      1. Giuseppina Sofo 1906-1987 (Age 80)    Marriage  Michael Ietto 1899-1970 (Age 71)
      2. ...
      3. Grazia Sofo 1914-1989 (Age 75)    Marriage  Private
        1. ...
        2. Francesco Sofo 1917-1918
        3. Fausto Sofo 1917-1918
        Antonio Sofo 1876-1961 (Age 85)    Marriage  Antonietta Marino 1900-1969 (Age 69)
    4. ....................................